
The biggest cause of work-related ill-health in the manufacturing sector is musculoskeletal disorders.  With this in mind we have teamed up with the world-renowned ergonomics consultancy, the Robens Institute to bring you our webinar

‘Microscopy, work and performance’

679,350 suffered work related musculoskeletal disorders
81,000 workers suffering from work-related ill health
6.7 million working days lost

Discover how ergonomic principles can be used to design a workstation that delivers:

  • Safety
  • Efficiency
  • Usability
  • Flexibility
  • Effectiveness

We are joined by Professor Peter Buckle, an award winning ergonomics expert with decades of experience in ergonomics, human factors and systems design.

This ergonomics webinar covers:

  • Optimising performance from the perspective of the end user
  • Thinking about the workstation whole system – the science of ergonomics/human factors
  • Designing the whole system – who’s involved in this and what they can do to help
  • Designing the technology – and procuring the right equipment
  • Designing the knowledge transfer – training
  • Monitoring and re-evaluating – because systems change and adapt all the time

About Professor Buckle:

Peter has led the Robens Institute as an independent consultancy since 2010.  Prior to this he was director of the  Robens Centre for Ergonomics at the University of Surrey (1992 -2006) and  the Robens Centre for Public Health (2007-2009).

He is a Fellow and a former president of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) and a Fellow of both the International Ergonomics Association. and the Royal College of Public Health.

He is a member of both the HSE’s Workplace Health Expert Committee and the Science and Engineering Evidence Assurance Committee.

His specific areas of expertise are in optimising the performance and quality of the work system whilst simultaneously minimising errors and health risks to the work force such as accidents, musculoskeletal disorders and stress.

In 2001 he was awarded the Sir Frederic Bartlett medal for his research within the field of ergonomics and in 2005 his research on ‘Design and patient safety’ was awarded the President’s Medal of the CIEHF.  The same institute awarded him The Institute Medal in  2010. In 2012, he was given the Distinguished Service award by the  Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA).  In 2017, he was awarded the USA Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE) Ergonomist of the Year Award, given to an individual who has made outstanding and innovative contributions to the practice of ergonomics.